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Lingo Reviews

Lingo is a residential VoIP provider that offers home phone plans for nationwide and international calling. Lingo plans come with a number of included features, free calling to other Lingo subscribers, and even the option to keep your existing number. With Lingo, customers can make calls using their existing high-speed Internet connections to receive clear, reliable phone service. Lingo also offers customers the option to sign up for a long-term contract for bigger savings.

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Haven't let me down for the past 5 years

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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Average: 4 (1 vote)
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Average: 5 (1 vote)
Average: 4.8 (1 vote)

Lingo was one of the first large scale VOIP providers out there and their experience shows.  I've been with them for 5 years and during that time, the service has been rock solid.  Clear loud calls that haven't dropped.   The best thing about Lingo is what you get for the price.  For the same or less than what others charge, you get free calls to western Europe and Australia.  Additionally, you can get a phone number in another country that connects to your home phone for $10 a month.  I can't tell you how much this has saved us as my wife is from Italy and spends hours on the phone with her mom and sister every week.  Having a local number in Italy, it allows her family to call us from their cell phone, which is great considering her mom has no land line.   Also, we've moved several times while with Lingo and it has been so nice to not only keep our old number for a while, but get a new local number that also rings our phone!  Makes transitioning to a new number MUCH easier.

<ul><li>Low Price</li><li>Free Calls to Western Europe and Australia</li><li>Can get a local International phone number for cheap</li><li>Rock solid, clear calls</li><li>Fantastic web interface or managing advanced options like forwarding calls, voice mail, and simultaneous ring.</li></ul>&nbsp;

Pathetic Fraudulent Service I have ever see!!!

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Average: 1.2 (1 vote)

After looking at their lucrative prices, I had selected lingo as home phone service provider. At the time of booking, agent promised me a moon and infact she told me to send a formal e-mail containing all the terms and conditions which she was explaining to me, which I never got from them after staring the service. Later on I came to know from their customer service is that, there was no mention of any special offer in my account, which booking personnel offered to me. Not a problem, I started the service in the hope to get good reliable service with a good price. Later I came to know, my decision was not right at all. The problems started since the very first day and later on I decided to cancel service after a month but still I have been charged even though my service has been cancelled 4 months back. I wanted to explain the whole story in detail, so that at least few people can save themselves with these frauds.
1. The day I ordered them for their service, they had started billing the very same day. Even though I got the equipment after a week from the booking date. They charged me unnecessarily for a week without giving any explaination.
2. The voice quality is really pathetic and does not worth even 1/5. Also their technical support is pathetic and just a waste of time. They dont know anything and dont provide any solution. Most of the time, they will put you on hold for 10 mins and suddenly you will find they disconnect the call. Its the worst voice quality and worst customer care I have ever seen.
3. Real problem starts, when you ask them to cancel your service. I had asked them to cancel the service within the trial period itself but still they charged me a months fee. Also they asked me to return their equipment. After returning the equipment, they told me that they will refund me the activation fee, which I got after a month cancelling the service. Now real pain starts from here. I cancelled my Lingo service on Jul-2nd 2008. The moment I asked them for the cancellation, they disabled my account and online protal access. They did not send me any invoice for the charges which they appied as the last month charges.
After cancelling the service, they charged my bank account with $64.84 in Aug. I did not get information from Lingo about this and later while checking my bank account I came to know about this. I talked to their customer service, first they tried to justify this by saying that its the disconnection fee which I need to pay. When I reminded them that I have cancelled the service within 30 days trial and retruned back the equipment, I am not entitled for this fee. Then they agreed to refund $59.95  out of $64.84. FOr the remianing amount they did not give me any satisfactory reason and simply said its for some out of plan call charges. I asked them for the invoice, which they did not provided and said they dont send invoice. I can check it thier online portal (for which they already disabled my account at the same momnet I asked them for cancellation). Since it was a small amount I did not take it further and left the issue at that point only. They told me that this is the last time my account had been charged. Now the biggest surprise...
Yesterday (Nov 3rd 2008), while checking my bank account, I came to know Lingo again charged my bank account for $1.72 (3months after cancellation). I again called their pathetic service and wasted more than half an hour. The guy told me that this is for some out of the plan call which I made in July before cancelling the service. I told him, for that they have already charged me around $5 and whats the point in coming back after 3-4 months. In fact I am ready to pay, if they are ready to send me invoice. The support guy refused to send me invoice but somehow I could manage to find out the number for which they are charging me this time. He told me that the charges are for a number 877-xxx-xxxx. I told him this is a toll free number and later on he was also agree with it. Then he told me I wll apply for a credit and I will get a refund in 2 weeks. He again promised me that this is the last time and they will not charge my account again.
Considering the fact, they are doing this deliberately as if you call them and insist they are ready to refund back the amount.  In case if you dont check your bank account on regular basis and dont call them they are not going to refund the money back. Its a big risk if you give your credit card details to them.
Yesterday, I reported the matter to my bank. The simple solution they suggested me to report my card as stolen and issued a new card with new number. I hope now I should be able to get rid of these bunch of crooks.
My request to all of my friends please beware of these frauds and never give them your credit card/bank account details.



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Lingo is the worst provider to sign for your service.After I applied for service back in 09/26/08 there was no service contract.Than I recevid a e mail on oct.17 saying that I am bound for 2 years contract with $99.95 cancelation fee that they introduces in oct. 08.I tried to speak to some one at Lingo but they refuse to spek to me c'us they don;t have the person in cancelation dept. to speak to me.I have not even hoked up their phone modem (adeptor) and not even started to use the phone,and decided to cancel their service.They have already charged my account, I hope I can get my refund.I am going back to Vonage.



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Average: 2 (1 vote)
Average: 1.8 (1 vote)

RTFA. Yes please read the agreement. It comes with 2 things you might want to notice.
1. Cancellation before one year is $60
2. Lingo can change the agreement anytime they wish.
     When I signed it came with 1year contract and a cancellation fee of $60. 7 months into the contract, they increased the contract term to 2 years and the cancellation fees to $100. This information was emailed and subsribers were given 3 days to agree and continue or cancel at $60. (This was emailed on a Friday evening so you had 1 business day to cancel your account and port your number to a different carrier).&
  These guys are a total rip-off. And there are numerous incidents of over charging and charging after service cancellation.



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Average: 1.6 (1 vote)

They increased the taxes without knowledge. This company really su..... They are charging 13 dollars as tax.the plan is 21.99 + 13 tax = 34.99.Thay are going to upgrade service agreement for 24 months Any one who is signing with them will be tied up for two years same like mobile phones.Lingo is not a good enough to upgrade 24 months contract.any one who is with lingo please cancel or you will be tied up with this crocodile.Dont sign with this company.this is my humble request.    


Lingo changing their contract to charge cancellation fees

Average: 2 (1 vote)
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Average: 1.8 (1 vote)

Check out this email I got from Lingo today. If this is not more reason to leave Lingo now, then best of luck to you!
There must be some sort of law or something, they can't enforce this to already existing customers, can they?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Lingo Customer Care Date: Fri, Oct 17, 2008 Subject: Important Notification Regarding Your Lingo Service To: xxxx
Dear Customer,
We appreciate your business with Lingo, and hope that you are availing and enjoying all its benefits! We would like to inform you of updated terms and conditions of your Lingo service. Effective October 23, 2008, customers who cancel their Lingo service within 24 months of the activation date, will be subject to a $99.95 cancellation fee per account. To view Lingo’s Terms & Conditions, please visit and click on the Terms & Conditions link at the bottom of the page. Should you have any questions about the new term, please contact us at 1-888-LINGO-99.
 Primus Telecommunications | 7901 Jones Branch Dr | McLean, VA, 22102 | US


Lingo - Poor customer service, bad billing practices, so so phone service

Average: 3 (1 vote)
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Average: 1.8 (1 vote)

Lingo - Poor customer service, bad billing practices, so so phone service
I've had made a terrible decision to take my Sunrocket number to Lingo. At the time, it seemed that Lingo provided a good safe reliable solution after Sunrocket went bust. I've had many issues with Lingo since day 1 and after a few months, I finally decided to move on to a different provider. I have not took the time out to write a review earlier, but after my latest experience, I had to write this review to help others decide.
I've been a user for various VOIP services for several years now, starting with Vonage, to AOL, to SunRocket, and most recently with Lingo and Viatalk - I've experienced all of these for at least 6 months each.
Here are some of the issues I've had with Lingo in the last year:

  1. Took them over 1 week to port my number, okay, this is not too bad, given that at the time they were probably flooded with Sunrocket customers.
  2. I had to call them twice to get the month free and shipping credit they promised in their promotion for Sunrocket customers. It seemed that I would have not got the credit at all if I hadn't called.
  3. I've had numerous repeated problems regarding the incoming caller id not displaying the correct time (different timezone). I called support several times initially to get it fixed, they changed it to 3 hours ahead instead of 3 hours back even after I explained I live on east coast. This setting got corrupted several times and after going through waiting on support numerous times to get it resolved, we just got tired and got used to the time difference on the caller id logs.
  4. The people in their callcenter (India) literally are reading from a manual. It is difficult to get resolution on problems - it typically takes 2-3 times to explain something to get it resolved correctly.
  5. Lingo's online feature portal is garbage. It is so unintuitive and difficult to use -- you actually need to do trial and error to understand how to use their system.  This is enough reason for not signing up for their service! Over the year I had the service, I have not seen one change to their online system. One would expect providers to continually update their service package -- especially since the website is so out of date compared to its competitors.
  6. Their website is not kept up-to-date either - their are links that no longer work correctly.
  7. I sent an email to from my gmail account -- only for it to bounce back after several retries gmail made over 2 days.  If you see Lingo's website, they tell you to use this email address.
  8. Last week, I ported my number from Lingo to Viatalk. Viatalk is very nice (more on this later). But here's the deal - after my number was successfully ported (took 6 days) to viatalk - I sent an email to Lingo customer service to confirm my account was canceled and to remove my credit card on file.  After a few days, that email bounced back, so I tried sending them an online message from another page I found on their website. After 1 day, this was the response I received:
    Dear S-
    Thank you for contacting Lingo Customer Care.
    Please be adviced that Lingo accounts are not automatically cancelled after numbers are transferred. For your security, we are unable to cancel your account by email. Please call 1-888-LINGO-99 (546-4699) and select the cancellation option. Agents are available to assist you from Mon-Fri, 9 AM-9 PM, EST & Sat-Sun, 9 AM-5 PM, EST. Your account will remain active and you will be responsible for charges until we receive your call.
    We look forward to helping you with any servicing needs in the future.
    Lingo Customer Care
    Before I sent them the request to cancel, I looked around their website to find information on how to cancel with no luck (if they do, it is well hidden that even their search won't pull it up). Worse is that I was unable to delete my credit card on file from their website (if you're a current lingo customer, I urge you to remove your automatic credit card payment to be safe when you change providers).
    Aside from the obvious spelling mistakes in their email - Who wants to keep their service after porting your ONLY line on their account? This was ridiculous - I immediately called that number to confirm my account was canceled. When I asked them whether they will refund my last payment, they denied it saying that they bill once a month starting on the 1st, so if I didn't cancel by the previous 22nd of the month, I am responsible for the entire month following! My number was ported on Oct 1, yet they still charged me for full month Oct 1-31st! This is very disappointing to hear, I would have planned changing my providers a bit better if I had known this earlier. I would understand that if I had used most of the month that it was too much to get a refund, but I didn't even use the service for 1 full day of the month yet they are not willing to credit partially!
  9. If this wasn't enough to make you from signing on with Lingo or discontinuing their service, every 1-2 weeks my phone would just stop working, no interruption of service from my broadband provider. I would have to unplug and restart their lingo adapter every time. This shows how reliable it was!


Good luck on choosing your VOIP provider. I've just converted to Viatalk last week, so far so good - I'll write a review about it after I use it for a bit more. For one thing, their website feature management portal is WAY better!


Good overall experience over the last 3+ years

Average: 4 (1 vote)
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Average: 4 (1 vote)
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Average: 4 (1 vote)
Average: 4.4 (1 vote)

I've used Lingo for over 3 years now, and have been happy with their service for the most part. When I initially started the service I had intermittent quality issues, times when you dial and nothing happens, and occasional drops. I called support a few times and they seemed quite knowledgeable and were able to resolve most of the issues with some adjustments to the equipment. I had been able to send faxes over the line originally, but have had little luck the last few years. My Dish Network satellite equipment also has not been able to communicate over the line much of the time, but this is no longer an issue for me now that my new receivers have network jacks (Dish charge you more if the equipment is not able to communicate).
The features offered by lingo and some of the other providers can’t be beat. I thing the simultaneous ring is the best feature yet. I only give people my home number, and when they call it rings my home and cell phone at the same time! I can answer on either line as if the were both the same line. Which ever I answer first gets the call and the caller ID information is also shown on my cell phone. I think you can have multiple numbers all get the calls. Lingo also offers an option to have your voicemails emailed to you, another great feature! Lingo does work with phones supporting a message light as well, I have Uniden phones and the message light comes on when I have a voicemail. Lingo of course has all the other features you would expect.
As far as voice quality it is almost always perfect, better then my phone company lines were. I still had occasional glitches, but after getting new equipment just this week it seems they are now gone. About a year ago I called for support and got India, the support person was of no help and the problem resolved it’s self mostly. Just recently I wanted to switch to an annual plan to save a few dollars a month, the support person said I can’t switch. He said I could open a new account, transfer my old Lingo number to the new account, and then cancel the old one. He transferred me and I processed the order. When I called back to see where the phone number transfer was at, I was told “we can’t transfer a lingo number. It was India again and I explained that both tech support and the order taker had said it could be. I said I need to cancel the new number if my number can’t be transferred. He said cancellations is closed, he will have them call me in the following morning. Three days and no call so I called again, sat on hold for 45 minutes and then was transferred to voicemail. I requested a call back and mentioned I had been promised a call back 3 days before. Again, no call back, so I tried to call cancellations 5 times but it would not even transfer through. I called a tech support guy and he also could not get through to them, but said he logged it in the system and I would not be charged if I was late on the cancellation because they didn’t call me back in time. A few days passed and I tried again, got through after 2 minutes on hold. The verified what had been logged and said they CAN transfer the number, but only a special department can do it, they would call me back in two days. Four days later I got a call and the lady said she could transfer my number now, I said ok, and she said she would call me back when it was done. Fifteen minutes later I got the call it was complete and do I want to cancel my old line and second number on the new line. I said yes and she did it all on the spot. I logged in online and verified my new account had my old number and the old account was gone. So yes I had some trouble getting to the right person, but once I did the support was excellent. I know a lot of companies seem to work this way, had the same thing happen with HP, bad support from India, but once you get past that to a real HP employee the support is excellent.
So in closing I would recommend Lingo and I rate them well overall. Unlimited free calls, and all the features you could ever want. I’ve messed with Magic Jack, not bad for the price ($40 start, then 20 a year), but lacks flexibility, features, requires your computer to be on, and is a bit flakey with intermittent quality issues. In contrast I would not recommend Sprint (PCS), worst customer support and accounting errors I’ve ever experienced (Equipment worked well, just billing and customer service was bad). I had more problems with Pacific Bell land lines then I’ve had with my Lingo VoIP service and it’s really nice to keep my service and number through moves! Hope this helps!

Great quality, great features, good price, good support once you get to the right person.
Sometimes you get the run around with initial support groups, seem to be a third party helpdesk. You can get basic service with some issues for much less.

Abysmal customer service

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Customer service is abysmal.  They are very friendly and helpful when you sign up.  After that, you are routed to a call center in ndia where they read canned responses.  I cancelled after 1 month.  Unable to port number as promised.  Assigned an area code out of my area, wanted me to pay for an additional number to get an area code in my area.  AVOID!!!!


lingo is the hotel california

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Average: 1 (1 vote)

I have lingo at home, and 4 lingo lines at the office.  I have used lingo for years. 
Following my advice, my boss ordered home service from lingo.  My co-worker also uses lingo--he is the one who advised me to switch to lingo.
At home I have been with them for years and I do not have problems--the service is great, reliable, cheap.
At work our four lines work great.  Everything is customizable and their customer service used to be excellent--I used to talk to helpful customer service reps mainly from canada.  Now they have switched to customer service people in India, and it is simply atrocious.  The customer service reps have not one shred of mercy for the customer.  Their only concern is to eke the last pennies from your dying hands.
The real problem is their billing department. 
My boss ordered two lingo lines, cancelled them, sent their adapter machines back, yet lingo continued to bill him for about a year for one of the adapters until he finally resolved it (I believe by paying them).
I have not tried to cancel my home service so I haven't had any problem.
When I ordered my 4 business lines, they have a referral program which I tried to use to credit my home account--guess what, they never credited my home which they should have done.  I should have had 4 free months, but I never got any.
I ordered an additional 3 lines at work because we were expanding (on top of our 4 main lines).  I had never used the additional 3 lines (other than to test the adapters when I got them), and our business decided to return the lingo adapters.  When I did that, they tried to charge me about $70 per line.  I spent literally hours on the phone with them, "escalating" my request that they not charge me so much in light of the fact that we have so many accounts through them.  They agreed to waive the $70 per line on condition that I return the 3 adapters, and all along the Indian customer service reps assured me they had annulled my other bills.  There was tons of unnecessary nonsense on their part, asking me for tracking numbers on each of the adapters  (I mean come on, this company that provides me the ability to call anywhere in the world at a moment's notice for minimal cost over years on end is not competent to know when they have received an adapter I have sent them? Would they like my help building a database? Get real).
I had assiduously kept records of my sending the adapters because of my boss' previous experience with his cancelled line--i had even packaged each adapter separately and used separate fed-ex ground tracking numbers for each adapter.  Finally they admitted they had received the adapters.  Despite this, the next time I called I had to walk through all of that again.
Then finally after I thought all of that business was finished, I started getting additional bills on those 3 accounts.  I wrote emails to them explaining that everything should be even now.  They responded "sorry but you have to pay."  I sent another angry email saying no i don't.  They never responded or offered any proof that I had not received assurances that my accounts were clear.  Now I am getting bills from a collection agency in my own name at my office for the 3 lingo lines.
Take it from me, stay away from Lingo.  Better to pay more to AT&T than to have these pirates at your door.  From what I have heard Vonage is the same bunch of Hotel California dirtbags.  I just wish to find an honest VOIP company because VOIP really is the future, especially with their cheap prices.
I gave Lingo 1/5 on all parameters because the billing problems I have had with them, in which they have been both recalcitrant, dishonest, and aggressively unfair, have destroyed my enjoyment of their quality product. 
I am now hoping there will be a nuclear war that will destroy India, and that a gang of prison rapists will attack and sodomize the workers at the Lingo corporate offices, transmitting nasty venereal diseases to their nasty traitorous dirty pirate rear ends.

great quality, sound, price, easy to set up
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.&nbsp; You stab it with your steely knives, but you just can't kill the beast.



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