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Home > All Providers Reviews > Vonics Digital

Vonics Digital Reviews

Vonics is a digital communications service provider that specializes in business and residential VoIP.

Update: Vonics Digital is no longer in service as of 2008

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VONICS Response

Average: 1 (1 vote)
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I just read the VONICS response and defense of its poor service lately. They think that it is acceptable to its current customers that we should accept their bad service while they try and sign up as many of the Sunrocket customers as they can. So they will get new customers while losing their old customers, and they think they can defend that rationale. It is just not acceptable. VONICS knows it doesn't have ther staffing or equipment to expand their business too rapidly, but did they just tell thoise new Sunrocket customers ' Sorry, but we have to maintain high quality standards for our existing customers and have to say No to your business right now'? No, they tried to sign up as many new customers as they can. I do not know where this VONICS is actually located - they can say they are from the US because it is actually an internet business they are operating. I warn new customers to be wary of their annual plans - they might not be in business in 6 months. I might add that I think this site works for these carriers. They ask a lot of personal info that is none of their business for just being a review site. Be wary of this

Poor Custo


Average: 3 (1 vote)
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Average: 2.2 (1 vote)

I am a customer of VONICS for a short time. The service has deteriorated badly in the last month. Apparently, 2 other VoIP companies have gone Chapter 11 in the past month - Sunrocket and another - and VONICS is trying to grab all the customers it can. It has overloaded their system - both in quality of phone service and Customer Service. Now, it is impossible to get in touch with Customer Service at all. You just get a message saying that the 'there is an unusually high level of call volume' without anyone ever answering the phone. Try it yourself : 866-489-3520. Press 2 for Customer Service. Yeah, all because they are trying to cash in on signing up as many new customers as possible. I do not know if VONICS is a US company - they say they are in San Francisco, but every person I have ever spoken to speaks with a heavy accent. I do know that all their customer service after 7PM PST is handled by the Phillipines. All in all, it seems to be a poorly managed company that might be the next to go out of business. It's too bad - originally, they seemed to have pretty good service. Oh, did I forget to mention that for the past week, every long distance international call I make is interupted by the message ' We are sorry but the destination you have called is unreachable'. VONICS is unreachable as well!

Not very m
MAny right

Don't do it!!!!

Average: 1 (1 vote)
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Average: 1 (1 vote)

Ok.... I signed up on 7.27.07 for the annual plan along with new telephones numbers I requested from there list. It is now 7 days later and you guessed it 1. No tracking number, no device (We will ship to you by 4-5 days.) 2. The numbers you requested not available (But you can call us back tomorrow and maybe we will give the numbers you requested.) 3. When calling back on Friday it's Saturday in the Middle East.

Me..... Hi
Follow ups

VONICS emailed me a number

Average: 2 (1 vote)
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Average: 2.2 (1 vote)

ACCOUNT # 13868
UPDATE 7/3/07
Vonics emailed a Spokane local phone number this morning, tested it works. Vonics gets to keep my business for now. It is truly a shame that I or any of us have to go to these lengths to get their attention.


VONICS falling apart???

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Average: 1.6 (1 vote)

VONICS falling apart???
Let me start by saying I am in the IT industry and have been dealing with VOIP technologies for a couple of years from different service providers at a consumer and corporate level. I always reevaluate the VOIP industry before making a purchase or recommendation as I did this time. I called five of the big names with better reviews specifically to see how quickly they would answer the call, how much time they would take on the phone and the location of there servers and data access points relative to our location. I was expecting all company to have long delays and was surprised to find VONICS and another provider respond quickly. I decided on VONICS due to pricing, servers being located in California and promises of a quick SunRocket number transfer.
7/20 Placed order, very happy
7/26 Followed up on the shipment, delayed by UPS, asked to have my virtual number assigned so I could start to receive VM and was asked to wait until the network device came in. OK good support so far, still happy.
7/30 Devise arrives, set it up and outgoing calls are fine. The web interface looks a little heavy but manageable. Not at all like the refined SunRocket interface. Call tech support no answer. Call sales (same people) and asked for the virtual number to be activated with a Spokane 509 #. I was told they didn’t have any and to call back tomorrow.
I have like others repeatedly called every day, opened a ticket, called all of the numbers on the contact page, some are inactive, ironically one is in my area code to no avail.
VONICS, As you answering you criticism infinitely more often that your phones I will air my needs in this public form in hopes of having you resolve my issues and to express my opinions and experiences of your company.
ACCOUNT # 13868
Replace the temporary virtual 428-999-0007 number with a 509 Spokane local number.
Replace the primary 509-999-0001 number with the requested SunRocket number. If this will take beyond the 5th then give me a second 509 Spokane number.
If you are unable to provide me with an active 509 Spokane local number before Friday 7/4/07 I will call AMEX and have them refuse your payment and block any further payments from your company. When you have time your are welcome to call and provide me with a RMA number and a return-shipping label. I will be kind enough to answer your call and return the product.
CONSUMERS – YOU HAVE RIGHTS WITH YOUR CREDIT CARD COMPANIES. They know the industry is turned upside-down with SunRocket. Simply give the dollar amount, date of the charge and the company name stating they have not provided you with a way to receive calls and are not answering there phones and the charges will be reversed. It will then be up to the vender to prove to your credit card company why they should be paid.

Has great
Decided to

100 % Internet based scam

Average: 1 (1 vote)
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I don't know where all those 5 star positive reviews come from. Perhaps they all ave been made up by friends or relatives of this 100% scam based most likely in India and distributed over the Internet.
I've ordered the service, got charged, after 10 days recieved nothing, no one ever answers the phone no matter how many times yo try. All you hear is an outomated mockery message how your call is important to them.
Had to talk to my bank to reverse the charges and cancelled my debit card to prevent them to charge me ever again.
Thank You.
Vonics ... The Digital Phone Company.



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Average: 4 (1 vote)
Average: 2.8 (1 vote)

Had Vonics since mid Jul, 2007 ... 1) (-) Equipment shipment was delayed 3 days. 2) (+) Equipment worked right-out-of-box ( outgoing calls- OK. 3) (-) Erroneous Support re: SOHO network set-up from CSR & Website . (fix: plug VOIP adptr into SOHO router ; NOT otherway around as reccmnd'd). 4) (-) NO incoming calls ; phone no. not connected. 5) (-) After discussing w/ 3 diff CSR; told to wait 3 days for permanent phone no. to be assigned. 7) (-) Assigned P.N. in another STATE. (??? 718 v. 713 as reqst'd); still could not recv. calls. 8) (-) Assigned a TEMP. phone no. in Houston, I am in Suburb. told to wait another 5 days for permanent number. Finally can receive calls ( though p.n. is in WRONG city. 9) (-) Told to wait another week for them to acquire the area-code/prefix as ORDERED. 10) (-) They refuse to assign me area-code/prefix for my city. 11) (-) 5 emails to them have gone un-answered. 12) (-) 5 calls to support are not answered ( left voice-mails) ( their voice mailbox is now full!!!!! ???? ) 13) (-) No one returns calls ; no one answers support phone number; no one returns support emails. If only they would do what they say they will. If only they would answer their support phones. If only they had qualified support prsnl... I can make/recv calls. But, the p.n. is in wrong area of town. I cannot publicize my phone no. untill I get a permanent p.n. in my suburb/city. Hopefully, this will help VONICS to get their act together. p.s. VONICS : call me ( 713 - 490 - 3011 ) to get this corrected, t.y.

Support is


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Average: 1.6 (1 vote)

I decided to try vonics after reading all great reviews here. Boy was I wrong!
First thing I did - called sales department @ 1AM Eastern time. Someone actually picked up the phone and answered most of my questions. I went back to the website and signed up for service (paid for the first month, activation and shipping). Few minutes later I got auto generated email confirming my order. That was the last time I heard from Vonics.
Over a week later there is still no number created for me and no equipment.
I tried to call all phone numbers I could find @ different times, day and night but got same result: after being on hold for about 10 minutes calls were forwarded to the mail box with the promise that someone will call me right back.
4 days, about 20 calls and 10 messages later I still can not get in touch with Vonics.
So I can not tell you about the quality of connection because I never had a chance to try it.
I called my credit card company to block the charge because I can't trust with my money and communication needs to the company I can't get in touch with.
I guess that is what you get for the cheap price, and don't forget - SunRocket (my previous service) was the cheapest one around...

No custome

Run Away....

Average: 1 (1 vote)
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Average: 1.4 (1 vote)

Vonics Review
I have NEVER written a review for a company, but I do use them in making my selection. This company got very high I don't know? We paid in full for a 14-month service and 3 weeks later are still without service or any service from VONICS. They could not even follow up with a simple email (after the original generated purchase email). No follow-up after our faxed Port request, No follow-up after several emails and customer service phone calls. No emails about shipment of equipment, no email or follow-up about any service what so ever! Amazing. We signed up for VOIPyourlife and were up and running in 24 hours. Not to mention the AMAZING Customer Service. We were old Sunrocket customers and they were good at their service and customer service. VOIPyourLife blows them out of the water. So Run away from VONICS at ALL Costs...don't go anywhere near them with a credit card number...Still can't get my credit card credited for service I never got. They can't even access my account because of "non-usage" to apply my credit. HA. After being on hold with their cust. service OVERSEAS I was told after over 30 min. that there was nothing they could do to help me and I needed to call back again the next day. Did I mention VOIPyourlife is local and so is their cust. service!!!! I hope I have given you an overview and enough detail to show why this company is a NO! There were so many "anonyms" 5 star rankings with the same basic line or review that I think they are bogus! On VOIPyourlife's review...they are detailed!!!! and from real people. Please take my advice...use anyone but Vonics and if the others leave you unhappy...look again at VOIPyourLife. They are NOT the cheapest...but in this get what you pay for!!!! I do not work for VOIPyourlife...I am a Homemaker with 2 kids and my husband is an IT geek that works in retail. I just want everyone who reads my review to know that we were happy with Sunrocket until the dumped us like last weeks garbage. That Vonics is evil and that our current service provider VoipYourLife is Awesome!!!!


I think I'll try VoipYourLife

Average: 4 (1 vote)
Average: 4 (1 vote)
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Average: 4 (1 vote)
Average: 4 (1 vote)

I posted an earlier email expressing dissatisfaction with Vonics' apparent manipulation of the posts on this site (and am voluntarily adjusting my evals to offset those previous scores.) I've since decided that I'll probably try VoipYouLife. Let me tell you why......
I'm a SunRocket casualty. Loved that company (before they screwed me out of my annual fee.) Never had any problems with their service and never needed to call their customer service line as a result.
Now, as we know, SunRocket went ka-boom in the middle of the night about a week ago. Like many of those scarred by SunRocket, I'm looking for a new service, but am a bit gunshy given my recent experience. So....
We start with Vonage. The big kahuna of VOIP. But boy, are the complaints about their customer service on this site nasty. That along with the Verizon litigation (which hangs over this entire industry) doesn't engender much confidence.
So we turn to Packet8 (which along with some other company who doesn't even seem to be in operation yet is the suggested option offered by SunRocket to their former customers - so thoughtful.) Again, too many complaints about customer service problems especially those associated with cancellation of service.
So we start heading into other companies. What about Vonics? Well, I've very suspicious of a company that tries to skew the reviews in such a baldfaced way on this type of site. And, frankly, those reviews that do appear legit aren't too encouraging: again, too many customer service complaints.
But I then saw a few posts referencing VoipYourLife. What's interesting about that company is that they aren't too cheap (unlike some of the others), but the reviews rave about their customer service (unlike most of the others - and seem legit unlike the garbage on the Vonics reviews.) I think that I'll try them and would suggest that others check them out as well. R.I.P. SunRocket, you were great while you lasted (altho you screwed me in the end.) FU Vonics for your abuse of this site. Au revoir Vonage, if your crappy customer service doesn't kill you in the end, the lawyers will, for better or worse. I think I'll try VoipYourLife.



Vonics Digital

San Francisco , CA
United States
2002Year Founded
167User Reviews

Overall Rating


Service Locations

  • United States
  • Puerto Rico
  • Canada

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